Event Dome Hire Company Website

Branding and Website for Event Domes Ltd

Category :


Client :

Event Domes

Location :

Auckland, New Zealand

The Challenge,

Event Domes faced the common challenge of being a startup business with no existing brandable assets or online presence. As a company specializing in geodesic event dome hiring, they needed to establish a strong brand identity and create an informative website to attract potential clients.

The Solution,

To address Event Domes' needs effectively, we developed a comprehensive solution centered around building a robust online presence. We began by creating a custom website tailored to their unique business model, incorporating a design that reflected the style and essence of geodesic event domes. Alongside the website, we designed a custom logo and color scheme that encapsulated the brand's identity and ethos. The website itself was designed to be informative and user-friendly, with detailed capture forms strategically placed to capture inquiries and requests for quotes. Our SEO experts conducted thorough research to identify targeted keywords specific to the event dome rental industry, ensuring that Event Domes would outrank their competition and attract relevant traffic to their website.

The Outcome,

The newly launched website is highly engaging and informative, providing visitors with all the necessary information about their services without overwhelming them. The clean and simple design aesthetic resonates with the brand's identity and ensures a pleasant user experience. Thanks to our comprehensive SEO build-up, Event Domes has begun to see tangible results, with leads being generated through organic search traffic. With a strong online presence now established, Event Domes is well-positioned to attract clients and establish themselves as a reputable player in the geodesic event dome rental industry.

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